Rainer Stegmann

Guitarist and Composer

UNIVERSAL EDITION, music publisher,  https://www.universaledition.com

GENUIN Music production, Leipzig,  https://www.genuin.de



UNTERNEHMEN GEGENWART - Assosiation for the Promotion of contemporary music,  https://www.unternehmengegenwart.com




Tomasz Skweres, composer and cellist,  https://www.tomasz-skweres.com

Ulrich Schultheiss, composer,  https://www.ulrich-schultheiss.de


Rolf Stemmle, writer and composer,  https://www.rolf-stemmle.de






Daniel Zucali, guitar maker, Stadt Haag, Österreich,  https://www.zucali.at


Daniel Oliver Moser, composer,  https://www.danielolivermoser.com



Jürg Kindle, composer, guitarist and teacher,  https://www.juergkindle.ch

Association of German composers,  https://www.komponis-innenverband.de




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